مازدا CX 3 Variants | Price* |
Mazda 2.0L GTL 2.0L GTL | AED 45000.0 - AED 45000.0 |
Mazda 3.6L GT 3.6L GT | AED 62400.0 - AED 62400.0 |
There are 2 مازدا CX 3 for sale in UAE. CX 3 price in UAE ranges from AED 45,000 to AED 62,400.
These used مازدا CX 3 for sale in UAE are uploaded by Individuals and Dealers users.
Total 1 CX 3 for sale in UAE are uploaded by individuals.
Total 1 CX 3 for sale in UAE are uploaded by dealers.
Visit the مازدا CX 3 section and get the detailed info on مازدا CX 3, its variants, and their prices in UAE. You can also read the مازدا CX 3 specs, latest news, reviews, and discussions, see pictures, comparisons, fuel tank capacity, watch videos, and more.