Summer Car Care Tips in the UAE

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The UAE is a hot region, with temperatures rising to 50 degrees Celsius. Such intense heat takes a toll on your car, causing severe damage to its essential components. It is a seriously critical situation that needs your attention, or you will witness your car deteriorating over time. Taking care of your vehicle is especially crucial during the summer season when even humans cannot bear the heat.

Exposure to UV rays not only affects the exterior of a vehicle but also damages the interior and vital components of a car, like the engine and battery. Therefore, for the safety of your vehicle, it is imperative to take precautionary measures and follow summer car care tips to keep your car running smoothly. 

In this guide, we aim to provide valuable insights and summer car care tips to ensure that your car stays cool despite the UAE’s heat.

Reduce Sun Exposure

The most essential summer car care tip for protecting your car is to limit direct sunlight exposure. You can do this by adopting different hacks, such as parking your car under a shade and, if possible, finding a secure parking spot underground. This will not only save your car paint from fading but also significantly reduce the heat in the cabin, so when you sit in your car, it will not be highly heated. 

Another thing you can do is buy a car top cover or sun shade to protect your car from direct sunlight if you want to park your vehicle for a longer time or days. It will save your car from potential damage.

Use Tinted Windows

Investing in tinted windows is a great way to protect your car interior from sunlight. Therefore, switch your standard windows to tinted sun shield windows that protect your car from UV rays or apply UV film on car windows. This helps your vehicle inside stay cool when parked on a sunny spot and will minimize the chance of melting things and causing cracks inside.

Ventilate Your Car

Before getting into your car, roll down the windows or open the doors to let out the hot air and gas accumulated inside the vehicle. In this way, you can ventilate your car and escape the hot air, which is harmful to your health. It will help cool down your car seats and steering before you start the engine. Additionally, turn on the air conditioner in your car. It will help to cool down the interior faster.

Reduce Daytime Driving

It is best to avoid driving during the daytime when the sun is overhead, directly reflecting you. Only drive a car during the heated period when necessary and in emergency cases. Instead,  you can drive an hour or two earlier in a less heated time to reach your destination safely. This will protect not only your car but also your health from direct UV rays. It is pretty dangerous for your skin to stay outside at this hour.

Car Regular Maintenance

Car maintenance is necessary in the hot summer season in the UAE. Make sure to maintain your car correctly during high temperatures as it will prevent many disasters to your vehicle. Also, make sure to take your car to a mechanic for regular checkups. Here are the following tips you need to check before driving your vehicle.

Check for Fluids

It is essential to ensure that the coolant levels in your vehicle are sufficient and at the correct levels. Additionally, it is crucial to regularly check all fluid levels and lubricants to ensure that your car is functioning correctly. If any fluids require replacement, make sure to promptly replace them with new fluids that are at the appropriate levels as indicated in your car’s manual.

Check Engine

Engines tend to get heated frequently in hot temperatures, which can lead to engine failure. To protect your car engine, make sure to change engine oil often and use a good-quality oil with a correct viscosity level designed to run in hot weather. This will ensure that engine components are lubricated effectively. With regular engine maintenance, you can survive hot weather without causing severe damage to your vehicle engine.

Check Battery

As the temperature rises, it can strain your car’s battery life. The intense heat can accelerate corrosion of the battery terminals, leading to battery disorder and low capacity. That’s why it’s crucial to regularly check your car’s battery terminals to ensure that they are in good condition and free from damage or corrosion. By doing so, you can help extend the life of your car battery and avoid unexpected breakdowns.

Check Tyre Pressure

Checking the tire pressure is also vital, as the extreme heat causes the tires to wear out. This happens because of high pressure in tires; the air in the tire rises and leaves no space in the tire for air to expand in hot temperatures. However, keeping the tire pressure underinflated is also dangerous when driving on summer days. Therefore, maintain a balanced tire pressure and check the pressure regularly. You can take your vehicle to a mechanic for a quick tire pressure check before getting on the long trip.


By taking some essential precautions, you can safeguard your vehicle from the scorching heat of the UAE and ensure a safe driving experience. Adequate maintenance and a few summer car care tips provide a smooth ride even in hot weather.

Also Read: 5 Essential Tips to Maintain Your Car – UAE

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