Login and Member Registration problems
Used Car Ads Issues
If you still have questions, then please contact ArabWheels staff at the following address: [email protected].
Login and member account questions:
If you have signed up for an account at ArabWheels but did not receive the activation e-mail:
- Please check the spam folder in your email account to make sure the email did not end up there.
- Alternatively, you can go to the login page by clicking on the ‘Sign In’ link at the top right of the home page.
- Type in your login information in the username and password fields.
- The system will detect that you haven’t activated your account and will show a link ‘Re-send Activation Email’.
- Simply click the link to have the activation email resent to you.
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I have a new email address and I forgot my password
If you have forgotten your password on ArabWheels:
- Go to the Login page by clicking on the ‘Sign In’ link on the top right of the Home Page.
- Click on the ‘Forgot Password’ link below the ‘Submit’ button.
- Type in your email address OR username and click Submit.
- You will be sent a password reset URL in your e-mail. Click on that.
- A form asking for your new password will open up in your browser.
- Type in your new password (and re-confirm it) and press Submit.
- Your password will be reset and you will be logged into ArabWheels.com.
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Used Car Ads Issues
How do I post an ad for my car?
Here’s how you can post an ad:
- Sign in to ArabWheels (Sign up first if you haven’t done so).
- Click on the ‘Sell your Car’ quick link on the home page
OR click the Used Cars tab and then the ‘Sell your car’ sub-menu link.
- Fill up the form that opens up and press submit.
- Your Ad will be submitted to the admin staff for approval. Once you get a confirmation email, you will be able to see your ad in the search listings.
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I got an email saying my used car ad was rejected. Why?
Your ad could be rejected due to one or more of the following reasons:
- You did not provide complete/correct details for your car.
- We found pictures or comments regarding your vehicle that violated our terms of service.
- We tried to call you to verify the authenticity of the ad but were not able to reach you.
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I don’t want to sell my car anymore. How do I close my ad?
Here’s how you close an ad:
- Sign in to ArabWheels.
- Click on the ‘Used Cars’ tab. Then, click on the ‘My Ads’ tab in the sub-menu.
- Find the car ad you want to close in the listings.
- Click on the ‘Close’ link for that ad.
- The page will refresh with the status of your ad changed to ‘Close’. Now, your ad won’t show up on the active search listing unless you choose to ‘re-open’ it later on.
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My ad got expired. How do I reopen it on ArabWheels?
This is how you reopen your ad:
- Sign in to ArabWheels.
- Click on the Used Cars tab. Then, click on the ‘My Ads’ tab in the sub-menu.
- Find the car ad you want to re-open in the search listings.
- Click on the ‘Open’ link for that ad.
- Your ad will be submitted to our admin staff for approval.
- Once your ad is approved, you will receive a confirmation email after which you can see your ad again in the Used Car search listings.
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Will my email be displayed when I’m selling a car?
No, your email will not be exposed to anyone. Interested buyers will enter the message they want to send you and we will simply forward that to you keeping your email address hidden from them. But in case you receive some spam, you will always have an option in the email to report the abuse and ArabWheels will take care of it.
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How do I know these ads are genuine?
ArabWheels makes a lot of effort to keep the ad data clean. All used car ads go through an approval process, in which our staff examines the content of each ad to see if all the details are in order. Also, after the ads are posted on ArabWheels, first-time sellers are contacted by phone and our admin staff verifies that the car ad details they provided are proper and genuine.
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How do I perform an open-ended search say, e.g. if I want to search for cars worth less than 5000 AED or if I want to search for cars with a year model later than 2000?
To search for cars less than 5000 AED, simply click on the Used Cars Tab, and in the budget drop downs on the search panel, select 'Any' to '5000'. Then, click 'Submit'.
To search for cars with a model later than 2000, click on the Used Cars tab and select '2000' to 'Any' in the year-range drop downs on the search panel. Then, click 'Submit'.
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How do I search through expired Ads?
Here's how you search through expired ads:
- Click on the Used Cars Tab.
- Click on the 'Advanced Search' link next to the submit button on the search panel.
- Search results will appear with active ads selected by default. On the Refine panel on the left, click the red cross next to link reading 'Active'.
- The page will refresh and now show search results including both active and expired ads. In case you wish to see just expired ads, click the 'Expired' link on the left 'Refine' panel and the results will be filtered accordingly.
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How do I write a review for a car?
Here’s how you write a review:
- Sign in to ArabWheels.
- Click on the ‘New Cars’ tab and then click on the ‘Reviews’ sub-menu link.
- Click on the ‘Write a Review’ button (red).
- Fill out the form that opens and press Submit.
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How do I edit my profile?
This is what you do:
- Sign in to ArabWheels.
- Click on the ‘My ArabWheels’ tab on the right and you should see the ‘Edit Profile’ link under the Profile heading.
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